Nov. 10, 2010. Taking a wild shot at blogging. Let's give you some basic update info:
Dad: still doing the Jewelry store thing. The Neighborhood Jeweler is still alive, and reasonably well. The economy is certainly taking it's toll, but we are blessed with a loyal clientele who continue to come through the doors. We have had several of our clients pass away this past year. One of them was a lady that used to live across the street and down a few houses from us in Canoga Park. Bill Hickock (her husband) still makes regular visits in.
I still ride my bike to and from almost every day- I miss when I have meetings or appointments that don't give me enough time to ride, shower and be on time. I know a number of people that I see multiple times each week while riding; crossing guards, several walkers, a couple of joggers, etc. I love my time riding. Can't imagine how stiff my knee would be without it.
I have been serving in the Bishopric since February- 2nd Counselor this time. The Deacon's Quorum that I work with is unique. Our President is the only "Lifer" member in it. His 1st Counselor is a convert of 3 months. 2nd counselor about a year, sec about 8 months. When we have scouts during the week, we have those 4, and there are 4-5 nonmembers who come as well. It has been fun, and certainly increases the missionary opportunities for them (and us).
I love the Bishopric- Our Bishop has been our home teacher for 8 years, and we have a special bond with him. He has become one of my closest friends as well. We are not very similar- he is the assistant technology dean for the Clark County school district, and is a total tech wiz. He has a sharp sense of humor, but doesn't display it lots. He is humble and desires to follow the Lord, and I enjoy working with him. Dan is a man of God. He has laughed more though since teaming up with me and Kim.
Kim, the 1st counselor, is a former bishop, and is kind, and soft spoken. He has a manner that just generates trust and respect. He is quick with a compliment, or a word of comfort, and if he has ever been angry, I have never heard of it. He and I go visiting one evening per week, and this has become one of the things I cherish most about this calling.
I have been subbing a bit in Seminary- talk about a blast- only one lesson every once in a while is a breeze. I have been teaching a temple class to a young couple in our home on Monday evenings as well- fun way to spend FHE. They are Nicole's sis-in-law, and her husband. it has been sweet to watch the growth and maturing they have been doing. I love Allison and Gregory.
Judy and I celebrated anniversary #29 in September. Remarkable that ANYONE could tolerate me as long as she has. Willingly, too. We went to Brian Head with Aurie and Brandon for a few days, and loved it. We spent some time hiking at Cedar Breaks, and went to their feeble try at Oktoberfest. We evidently got spoiled by having been to Snowbird's and Park City's festivals a handful of times before. Like the difference between a talented Flautist, and kazoo player. Oh well. The time there was fun. We went to church in Parawan- picked a ward to show up, and were surprised to see on the stand Steve Weston. Steve used to be in our Stake Presidency here in Las Vegas, and is the son of the late and great Floyd Weston. He was the visiting High Council Rep, and chose to stay for the rest of the meetings, and we had the chance to catch up with him a bit.
Brandon has been attending the singles ward, and has a handful of different callings. He is enjoying himself a lot there. He goes sometimes to institute, and there are great family home evenings and other activities. He is quite at home there. He is not doing very much work for the cutlery company any longer- the economy has been brutal to their sales force. He is currently looking for work again, and would appreciate your prayers his behalf.
Aurie continues to work at the Animal hospital, and loves her work. She has a great touch with animals, and it shows. they respond to her very well. I took her with me to visit a new family I am home teaching, and the sister told us to beware of the little biting machine that she had there. The dog warmed to both of us, and never nipped once at either of us. Betty was more than surprised. She also is going to the singles ward, and began a week or so ago to start her papers for her mission. She has been going out with different guys, but is currently seeing a young man named Austin. He is a bass singer, and I have heard him- nice voice.
Judy continues to be at Deseret book, and loves both the materiel that she works with, as well as the association with coworkers and clients. The book store is on the edge of our stake, and she sees many members regularly. Having served in 2 stake callings myself, you would have thought that I would have a better base knowing the stake members, but I am not even close. She not only knows more people that I do, but has fostered real friendships with them too. There is hardly a day that if we are out together, that we don't run into someone that she knows, and then she tells me after who they are... She is amazing. She is the chorister in Primary again- 3rd time I think. She loves working with the kiddies. She would go back to the nursery in a heartbeat though (as would I).
Diamonds in the Rough
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Alright all you peeps! here is whats new with the crazy wareham family here in vegas.
his store is still going strong. its a little slow, but its still surviving this crappy economy. He is the second counsilor in the stakes young mens presidency. And it is keeping him very busy. He was just released from the nursery and that was a hard calling for him to be released from. He loved those kids and he is going to miss them a lot. He is still riding his bike to and from work and it doesnt look like thats going to change any time soon
She is still working at desert book. She was also released from her nursery calling and it was extremely hard on her. she also loved those little kids. It was tough the sunday she got released she was really upset. But her new calling should be fun. She went from babysitting the 18 month olds to the 18 year olds. which is what a lot of people told her when they heard the new calling. But with this calling she is going to help involve the young single adults, who dont want to go to the singles ward, into the ward. or something like that....
Still looking for a job. He has a lot of time on his hands so he has gotten very good at video games. Tomorrow he has a dentist appoinment to fix his teeth. So tomorrow he will probably be in alot of pain. Still single
I have finished the classes part of my schooling and now i am working on my extern. I work at a great animal clinic. I had a very tough first day. I passed out two hours after I started my shift. which totally sucked. My dad took me to the doctors and they are sending me to a neurologist. The reason for that is becasue before i passed out i didnt have any sign that i was going to pass out. I didnt get tunnel vision, blurry vision or anything. it was weird. So my neurologist appoinment is tomorrow. and i am pretty nervous about it. Still going strong and single!!!!!!
his store is still going strong. its a little slow, but its still surviving this crappy economy. He is the second counsilor in the stakes young mens presidency. And it is keeping him very busy. He was just released from the nursery and that was a hard calling for him to be released from. He loved those kids and he is going to miss them a lot. He is still riding his bike to and from work and it doesnt look like thats going to change any time soon
She is still working at desert book. She was also released from her nursery calling and it was extremely hard on her. she also loved those little kids. It was tough the sunday she got released she was really upset. But her new calling should be fun. She went from babysitting the 18 month olds to the 18 year olds. which is what a lot of people told her when they heard the new calling. But with this calling she is going to help involve the young single adults, who dont want to go to the singles ward, into the ward. or something like that....
Still looking for a job. He has a lot of time on his hands so he has gotten very good at video games. Tomorrow he has a dentist appoinment to fix his teeth. So tomorrow he will probably be in alot of pain. Still single
I have finished the classes part of my schooling and now i am working on my extern. I work at a great animal clinic. I had a very tough first day. I passed out two hours after I started my shift. which totally sucked. My dad took me to the doctors and they are sending me to a neurologist. The reason for that is becasue before i passed out i didnt have any sign that i was going to pass out. I didnt get tunnel vision, blurry vision or anything. it was weird. So my neurologist appoinment is tomorrow. and i am pretty nervous about it. Still going strong and single!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
whats new
All right people. there are a lot of new things going on in the Wareham house hold.
First of all I am starting school next week. I am so excited. Today me and dad went to the bus at 6 in morning and rode the route to my school and then back home. it was a different experience. seeing as I have never rode the public bus before.
Brandon has a job. He is working hard at desert industries.
Mom is still working for desert book. and She is loving it.
Dads work is doing great, they are still running strong.
So I kinda lied there is not a lot of new stuff going on. But I had no idea of how to start this blog off.
Well today me and dad went to the dmv to see if I could get my lisence. but the people there told us that we needed to make an appointment. It kinda sucked but at least me and dad got to hang out a while!
Well that seems to be it..........except if you trying to reach me on my cell. You wont be able to. I kinda lost it on the bus ride today! ;)
First of all I am starting school next week. I am so excited. Today me and dad went to the bus at 6 in morning and rode the route to my school and then back home. it was a different experience. seeing as I have never rode the public bus before.
Brandon has a job. He is working hard at desert industries.
Mom is still working for desert book. and She is loving it.
Dads work is doing great, they are still running strong.
So I kinda lied there is not a lot of new stuff going on. But I had no idea of how to start this blog off.
Well today me and dad went to the dmv to see if I could get my lisence. but the people there told us that we needed to make an appointment. It kinda sucked but at least me and dad got to hang out a while!
Well that seems to be it..........except if you trying to reach me on my cell. You wont be able to. I kinda lost it on the bus ride today! ;)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
So this Halloween was so much fun!!!!!! I went as a Dark Angel and my friend Allison went as a good Angel. I went was awesome to see the differences between us. Mom did all the hair and makeup on both of us. and she did a wonderful job. We had a blast.
Our ward didn't have a trunk or treat this year so went to Nicole's ward to participate in theirs. Well after the trunk or treat, we went to Walmart and as me and Alli walked around we got the weirdest looks. But it was interesting to hear people talk about our costumes. Such as: When we were walking out of Walmart a middle age black gentleman looked at us and was like "What do we have here? hmmm looks like a good angel and an angel fallen from heaven." it was kinda weird to be called that, but I guess that means we did a good job with thee costume.
After we were done with everything we all just came home. Allison and I watched Young Frankenstein (which is one of the best Halloween movies). Mom and Dad watched t.v. Who knows what they watched.
Well that was Halloween at the Wareham household last night. It was kinda plain and not very interesting but it was fun.
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